im体育APP is a leading provider of specialized 车辆动力学试验 services to the global automotive, 国防, 铁路, 航空航天, 交通运输部门. We provide our customers with a wide range of engineering and 测试 services covering everything from subsystem and component 测试 to full vehicle durability 测试, 道路载荷数据采集 and data analysis related 测试 services.

Dynamics 测试 is a vital part of the vehicle development process, allowing the enhancement of vehicle performance, 耐久性和可靠性. 

From studying the responses of a vehicle in various dynamic situations to assessing how a component or subsystem influences the overall vehicle ride, 处理, 和性能, our 从事专家 implement dynamics 测试 programs specifically designed for your products.


im体育APP’s 车辆动力学试验 capabilities

im体育APP has extensive 车辆动力学试验 capabilities that cover all of the sectors in the 运输 industry, 包括乘用车和卡车, 中型和重型卡车, 运输拖车, off-highway equipment (agricultural and construction), 军用车辆, 校车, 通勤的教练, 公交巴士, 铁路, 和更多的.  

Our team of dynamics experts can develop comprehensive test plans tailored to fit your specific needs, from specialized engineering services to Noise, 振动, 粗糙度(NVH)和 Buzz, Squeak and Rattle (BSR) 测试 to identify noise sources, minimize noise and vibration as well as squeak and rattle. 

Our engineering services include duty cycle development, proving ground and customer in-service life correlation, 道路载荷数据采集 (RLDA) 和仪表, 计算数据分析, 计算机模型验证, 测试计划和程序开发, 定制传感器设计, 构建和校准.  



All of our 车辆动力学试验 services are performed in highly secure environments to ensure customer confidentiality at all times. 

For more information about 车辆动力学试验, or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.

im体育APP’s laboratories are outfitted with cutting-edge 测试 equipment 和仪表 including: 

  • 汽车式半消声室
  • 安静一点的房间
  • Head acoustics binaural head and analysis (Artemis)
  • MB黑色单轴和三轴激振器
  • LMS software and mobile SCADAS systems
  • PROSIG data acquisition and analysis systems
  • 环境 4-post simulators with sound treatment for BSR evaluations
  • 消声/静音桅杆系统
  • Six (6) Data Acquisition 系统s (300+ channel capability)
  • 定制传感器校准台
  • 模态分析设备
  • 静态弯曲和扭转al measurement facilities
  • Extensive instrumentation inventory (displacement, 加速度, 压力, 应变仪, 温度, 力-单轴-三轴-, 和更多) 

Vehicle dynamics 测试 is particularly helpful to OEMs and Tier one suppliers to ensure that their products are robust and perform safely in the field.


  • 噪音基准测试
  • 解决问题
  • 目标设置
  • 仪器仪表和数据采集
  • Proving ground and customer site measurements and correlation
  • Durability 测试 (frames, engine mounts, chassis and suspension components)
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振动测试 & 分析服务

这是车辆开发的关键部分, vibration 测试 and analysis help validate your design to see if it will withstand its intended environment. 

振动 测试 simulates a variety of 运输 scenarios, 操作环境, and the effect of external vibration within a test environment. im体育APP’s vibration 测试 facilities are comprised of electro-dynamic and servo-hydraulic systems that can replicate low and high-frequency conditions, offering state-of-the-art solutions to your most challenging requirements. 

The vibration 测试 methods we perform include:


  • 正弦对正弦
  • 随机正弦
  • 共振搜索和驻留测试
  • 相位跟踪和驻留
  • 加速度、速度 & 位移控制


  • 窄带随机对随机
  • 随机正弦
  • 疲劳损伤谱
  • 随机的进口







6自由度(DOF) - 多轴仿真(MAST) 

4 & 6邮政道路模拟  

Combined 振动测试 with 环境 Conditions

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下降 & 冲击测试

Used to measure the impact of sudden 加速度 caused by explosion, 下降, 或碰撞, shock 测试 is a valuable tool to prepare products for harsh industrial, 运输, 以及军事环境.

下降 and shock 测试 involves subjecting components to 加速度 up to 50,000 g at target time durations allowing further analytical analysis. We then evaluate the product for damage and stress, and ensure that it can meet the demands of its work environment. 

Our 下降 and shock 测试 capabilities include:

  • 操作冲击和碰撞安全
  • 枪声模拟
  • 经典的冲击
  • 衰减正弦波测试
  • 碰撞测试
  • 脉冲测试
  • 跌落测试
  • 影响测试
  • 摆锤式冲击
  • 运输冲击与振动


Noise 测试 allows determining fit and wear of vehicle components as they are perceived acoustically. 

im体育APP combines years of noise 测试 experience with state-of-the-art laboratory 测试 and simulation facilities to study the noise characteristics of vehicles and vehicle components, and to give you results closer to the real vehicle behavior in its application. 

The vibration 测试 methods we perform include:

  • NVH/吱吱声和拨浪鼓问题解决
  • Buzz, Squeak和Rattle (BSR) 规范测试
  • Experimental modal analysis, point mobility, acoustic sensitivity
  • 静态弯曲和扭转
  • 音质/强度分析
  • 噪声驱动评价
  • 传递路径分析
  • Signature analysis / acoustic sensitivity



im体育APP has over 50 years experience in working with a wide range of 国防 产品 and 系统 manufacturers from the initial concept of their products and on to the complex 测试 that is required of modern 国防 equipment.



Our materials 测试 labs are staffed by 从事专家 working tirelessly to solve our clients' most complex technical and commercial challenges.

im体育APP Global 测试 and Approvals Conference


发现博客文章, 文章, 白皮书, 在线研讨会, and advice from our world-leading 测试, 检查, 认证专家.



With over 100 years of 运输 industry experience, im体育APP沃伦 can provide full vehicle 测试, climatics and environmental simulations, dynamics 测试 and many other critical services.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.