im体育APP's thermal conductivity testing and 测量 services for 航空航天, 石油 & 气体, and 运输 deliver precise and reliable results, tailored to you. With cutting-edge technology and global recognition, we help you achieve optimal performance and regulatory compliance for your products. 快速周转, 专家支持和非破坏性的方法来测试您的材料是否在最具挑战性的条件下转移或承受热量.


What is a Thermal Conductivity Test and Why Do You Need One?

热导率是指在给定温度下通过材料传递的热量的速度和数量. 准确测量这一点,并了解材料在不同温度和不同情况下的反应,对于确信您的产品适合最极端条件下的用途至关重要, 经常在航空航天中发现, 石油 and 气体 and 运输 industries. .

测试 and 测量 provide the data to manage what materials are effective, and what operating methods compatible, to use at specific temperatures in diverse applications, whether the material is tasked with insulating, 进行热, or enduring temperature fluctuations.


Key Benefits of Thermal Conductivity 测试 Services with im体育APP

  • 精确的数据: 获取精确的导热数据,以准确预测材料在传热方面的表现-确保您的产品设计符合性能要求和法规标准. 
  • 确保合规性: Many industries have strict regulatory requirements regarding thermal performance. Thermal conductivity testing helps you demonstrate compliance with these standards, ensuring legal compliance and market acceptance. 
  • 保障和减少风险: In industries like 航空航天 and 石油 and 气体, 温度控制至关重要, so, understanding thermal conductivity helps ensure safety. 准确的热管理防止过热,并尽量减少设备故障或事故的风险. 
  • 加快周转时间: A quick turnaround time is essential in many industries, particularly in testing and quality assurance. Equipped with high-capacity labs and advanced technical capabilities, im体育APP ensures prompt delivery of testing results, helping you meet tight deadlines and avoid production delays.
  • 无损检测方法: 测试材料以确保它们能够承受恶劣的环境和条件而不会造成损害是一种微妙的平衡. im体育APP提供了 无损检测方法 like Laser Flash Diffusivity and Axial Flow. 这些技术提供了有关材料热性能的宝贵信息,而不会造成重大损害, allowing for rigorous testing without compromising the integrity of the material.
  • 接入专家技术支持: 您可能需要协助理解和解释测试结果或优化材料的特定导热性要求. 我们的技术专家提供关键支持,以有效地解决您的需求和关切. im体育APP提供根据您的独特要求和规格定制的测试程序. Whether it's unconventional test conditions or specific material properties, 我们的专职专家 与客户紧密合作,开发定制的测试解决方案,有效地满足客户的个性化需求.

Paints and Coatings Failures: A Guidebook on Causes and Remedies

失效分析 is a valuable tool when investigating the root causes of asset failure, 并制定纠正措施计划,以确保您的油漆和涂料粘附并保持完整.


Failure Analysis of Pipeline Coatings



Standard Update: Norsok M 501 edition 7

石油和天然气im体育平台app下载最重要的涂料测试标准之一经历了重大修订. This article explains the consequences for manufacturers and testing requirements.


Accuracy and Reliability in Thermal Conductivity 测试 and Measurement

客户经常面临对导热测试结果的准确性和可靠性的担忧, which are crucial for making informed decisions about their materials or products. im体育APP通过采用严格的测试方法和质量控制措施来解决这个问题,以确保我们测试过程中的最高水平的准确性和可靠性. 我们最先进的设备和经验丰富的技术人员坚持im体育平台app下载最佳实践和标准, guaranteeing precise and consistent results. 另外, 我们定期进行认证和能力测试,以确保我们的测试服务的质量和可靠性. 与im体育APP, you can have assurance in the accuracy of our thermal conductivity 测量s, enabling you to make confident decisions.


Compliance to Internationally Recognized Standards

im体育APP operates laboratories across key locations worldwide, 包括英国在内, 美国, 欧洲, 和亚洲, 为制造商提供方便地访问由知识渊博的专家组成的信誉良好的测试设施. 我们根据国际公认的标准(如ASTM C518和ISO 8301)进行严格的导热性测试,以确保符合法规要求. 我们致力于使用最先进的测试仪器,使我们能够准确测量导热系数并评估热性能随时间的变化, 温度(高达190°C), 低至-10℃), 流体吸收. 我们对这些标准的遵守为您提供了保证,您的产品将满足im体育平台app下载特定的法规要求.


 Thermal Conductivity 测试 Methods and Equipment:

  • 激光闪光扩散系数(LFD): Compliant with ASTM E1461 standards, ensuring precise thermal diffusivity 测量s.
  • 轴流: Evaluates thermal conductivity via axial 热 flow, offering valuable insights into material performance.
  • 绝对轴向热流: Provides accurate thermal conductivity 测量s across different conditions, suitable for testing materials with low to high conductivity.
  • 比较切割条: Enables comparative analysis of thermal conductivity among different materials or samples, facilitating informed decision-making.
  • 调查: 利用先进的探测技术来分析各种材料和环境的导热性能.
  • Naztech热流计(HFM): Used to characterize material thermal conductivity and “R”-value. The HFM creates a thermal gradient across a sample, measuring the amount of 热
    流入和流出材料. The Fourier equation is then used to calculate the thermal conductivity of the sample.
我们分析你的材料类型, 预期的电导率, 和所需的测试温度范围推荐最适合的测试方法,以满足您的具体项目需求, ensuring reliable and actionable insights.



im体育APP合作意味着您可以获得一套全面的导热测试服务, 都在一个屋檐下. Our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, 使我们能够准确地测量热导率并评估热性能随时间的变化, temperature variations 流体吸收.

We test to a wide range of international standards, 包括ASTM C518和ISO 8301, ensuring that your products meet regulatory compliance requirements. If you have unique samples or unconventional test requirements, im体育APP的专职专家可以开发定制的测试程序来满足您的特定需求, ensuring comprehensive evaluation and accurate results. Our ability to provide thermal testing, 测量, 和R-Value服务, all in accordance with these standards, sets us apart as a leader in the field.

我们在全球主要地区的存在进一步强调了im体育APP的全球知名度, 包括英国在内, 美国, 欧洲, 和亚洲. 这个全球网络为您提供了方便地访问由知识渊博的专家组成的信誉良好的测试设施. 访问我们的 关于我们页面 欲知更多资料,请浏览 立即im体育APP to start your thermal conductivity testing journey.


r值测试考虑导热性和材料的厚度来评估其绝缘性能. 而导热测试只关注材料的导热能力.

We recommend homogeneous, 12” x 12” samples with 0.5 "至4 "厚度. Inhomogeneous materials can produce inconsistent thermal conductivity and are not advised. 

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.